Tuesday, August 18, 2009


i saw you yesterday
sitting alone in the corner of the rain
i came around and sat by your side
didn't say a word...

but i can see it in your eyes
that you don't really understand

the way you look at me
as if you could see me
you don't really know i'm here
i'm just a shadow
i can see it in your eyes
that you still don't know

the days pass
trying not to see you again...

already forgetting your face
but yesterday
i didn't see it coming
you were alone and sad
so what can i do.

*refrain and chorus

i'm just walking around
never really left you side
you stood and walk away, from where i am
leaving me in the middle of the rain

i'm just a shadow
by your side
you never really see me
never really notice me


that you still don't know
that i won't leave

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