Friday, July 27, 2012


hi guys! hows everyone doing? well as you can see i really really missed my daily posts here. i cant even begin to think of the countless of stories i've got for everybody, and all of the new experiences i've encounter with the past month. but i still need to set my schedule so that you're not waiting for me to post. hehehee but i promise next week i'll try to post something very unexpected. haha. but until then you'll hear from me very very soon!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Goodbyes are Not Forever...

hi there! i know, i haven't finished posting sing for the 'TWILIGHT ADDICT' theme and i'm sure most of you are disappointed or relieved that you didn't heard from me again. well let me first say THANK YOU to all my readers this past few weeks. thanks for keeping up with my craziness and utterly non helpful ramblings. i just hope that you enjoyed and appreciated all my efforts and doings on this blog. thank you for reading, i really really appreciate those who read my stuff and i guess you thought i was making sense or just plain stupid, anyways you are all loved and cherished.

so on the sad note tonight. i won't be able to promise you anything but since tomorrow is officially the start of my classes, i wont be much active in the blogging scene. i'd be focusing on my studies cause' its a tough world out there and i hope that you understand when i say that i really really need to let go of some of the distractions that i have and focus on my main goal. but dont fret, maybe if i have time i'll post on tuesdays or thursdays seeing that my classes are only until 12pm. so i hope that will give me time to update.

so thats all. until next time!
laters baby!


Saturday, July 7, 2012

There's A Possibility

really really sorry for keeping you all waiting. was distracted cause' i was reading this cool story called 'THE CONTRACT'. but i wont be talking about that now, maybe some other time. but i'm back with the next song which is from the second installment NEW MOON. i hope that you like this, cause most of the songs from their OST are really interesting
, not really something that you get to hear on a daily basis, but non the less their awesome! so deal with it!



Friday, July 6, 2012

There is Something I See In You...

so the first movie of the saga was TWILIGHT. at first i really don't know anything about the books until some friends of mine started to talked about it and eventually they asked me to watch the film with them. so first impression was it was ok, good even but what really draw-ed me into the film and books; not just Edward/RPatz, was the story and how different it was from the usual vampire books. Stephanie Meyer did an amazing job in putting new flavors into the mix. she did not harbored with the rules, instead she made them her own. she broke vampire cliches with her stories and showed us that even vampires can love.

my song choice for this movie is DECODE by PARAMORE. i just like that it summarizes the movie into this song. that somehow it was written literary for the movie. the message and theme fits perfectly and because it was sung by paramore. so i hope that you'd enjoy this and bring back memory of how the movies started.



An Official Twilighter

happy saturday everyone! i hope that your having a great weekend and spending some quality time with your loved ones.

as you all know, i'm addicted to TWILIGHT and everything that involves around it. so for this days tunes i'd be paying my little tribute for them. and since i cannot wait for the last movie to come out, i'll post its trailer. i'll select one song that i like for each movie and i hope that you'd also like it!


watch out for the four songs today! i'll be posting the first 2 after this!

And Let It Go...

i saw transformers 3 this afternoon, again so i chose this song. it reminded me of my HS days. hahaha. so i hope that you'd enjoy.


laters baby :)

College Feeling.

as you all know, my class officially starts on monday, July 9 and i'm pretty hyped up about it. i've already gotten my ID, bought my PE uniform and of course finalized my schedule. and since i'm a generous person i'll post my schedule, ID pictures. yes i know i'm really really proud of my new alma mater and i'm hoping to creat new and fun memories while i'm staying at Mapua Institute of Technology. i hope that you'll join and support me through out my college life!

that's all.

If Happy Ever After Did Exists

hi there! sorry for the late post! i had a very very busy morning. i went to school today, got my ID and bought my PE uniform. yeah, i'm so tired right now i wanna sleep especially with the weather that we are experiencing. buuuut, since i love you all i won't be disappointing you by not posting my recommended tuned for today. this song just kinda came out of the blue, its new and very good. my friend and i were discussing it while we were walking in the streets of intramuros and i know that all of you would approve of my choice.


yes i know you like it. hahaha its the first time i posted a song of maroon 5 and i really really like this one. at first i thought it was all rap and stuff but never ever underestimate maroon 5 i really love this and i hope that you'll enjoy!

i'll post some pictures of my ID and my class schedule here later together with the other song! i hope you'll enjoy.

laters, baby :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Brothers United

hi again everyone! how are you all doing? so its time for part 2 of 'FAMILY AFFAIR' and i'll be giving you original songs from the very very good looking band of BOYCE AVENUE. i really thing that i shouldn't dive deeper to this topic because seeing as they have established themselves quite good and for most of the part you probably know them already. so i won't be keeping you long and i do hope you enjoy the songs and the rest of the day!




Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Its a Family Affair

Thursday! i cant believe how time flies so quickly, in a matter of 3 days i'd be back to school and i'd probably go into 'working' mode again. so before all that happens, i would really really try my best to fulfill what i'd be missing for the next couple of weeks.

so for todays tunes, it is inspired by my dream last night. well mostly it was about family and all which is kinda weird but anyways i won't go into the specifics cause its pretty boring. for today, i'd picked up songs from bands/duo that are of the same blood. may it be brothers, sisters or both. if you're wondering why this specific theme for today, well i just really really love a family oriented thing, and just like everybody i love my family. so i hope that with this in mind you'd get to enjoy the songs.



ok, ok i know i've posted 2 song already but i will still be posting another song later. i just really love this group that i cant help myself :) well ENJOY and have a great day ahead of you, see yah laterss

Close Your Eyes...

hi there! so very sorry for the late post, i was out the whole day.  went to manila to meet up with someone insignificant. so i was busy plus, traffic was so heavy! even though i wanted to go home early i couldn't so i hope that i dont disappoint with my last selection. this is for our foreign readers out there so i hope that you'd never feel left out!


i'm tired, your probably tired to so i wont talk much right now. just feel the song and hopefully you'll get to experience the whole package.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

OPM Wednesdays!

hello there! 
so as you all know i am a proud Filipino living in the beautiful country of The Philippines and if you ever got the chance to see and experience Filipino music, you'd be surprised at how good it is. yes, most artists here has had their own inspirations from international personas, but what makes them different is how they bring themselves into the song and makes them their own. for today, i'd be posting songs by Filipino artists, one in tagalog and one in english for our foreign readers. i hope that you'd get to enjoy them as much as we Filipinos did.


enjoy the song and i hope it bring back old memories!


Monday, July 2, 2012

A Little Country Wouldn't Hurt

so it's almost 1 o'clock in rainy Manila today and as of now the rain has yet to stop. classes in school are all suspended due to it and most probably people are pissed by the turn of events.

i guess the greeting 'i come bearing gifts' is appropriate for this gloomy afternoon. i'm back with the second song for tuesday and i think that this song suits the current situation of dear old Manila along with its occupants! so enjoy!


need i say more? i guess i'll just leave it at that.


I Know You'll Get Me Right

hi everyone! so its been gloomy and rainy this tuesday morning and the steady rain fills our morning buckets. it's one of those moments when you would just stay in bed and cuddle up because of the weather. so for this day's tunes i have picked out rain-worthy songs. tunes that you would normally like to hear while bundled up and cozy-ly tucked away in your beds. so i hope that you'll enjoy the first song!


i'm not really that familiar with dashboard confessionals but when i stumbled upon this on my random playlist, i instantly feel in love with this song. yes, its is alternative and most of you don't like these stuff but i'm going on a limb here by saying that give it a chance. it a really really good song, listen to it while your sitting in your room and just feel it with the rain, you'd be amaze how great it feels. trust me, i have a very big and wide window at my room and i can definitely feel the coldness of the wind and i'm listing to this song and its just perfect! so i hope that you'd enjoy this and really give it a try. so, GOOD MORNING and have a great tuesday ahead  of you. oh! an yeah watch out for the other song, i'll post it sometime later :)))


You are My Sweetest Downfall

so as i said this morning, i was out for the duration of the day. i was hanging out with my very bestest friend since childhood and we just had a great bonding moment. so this day turned out to be extraordinarily different. i made new discoveries of various things and if you wanted to know them, well you just have to ask for them. so anyways this is the next song that i'll be posting. so in keeping with the theme relaxed and casual tunes, this songs kinda sums it up for this day. its a very different song from what you are used to but i hope that you would like it.


i'm assuming that you've already heard the song and as usual its time for me to rant about it. well firstly i love the song because of the uniqueness of its tone. Ms. Spektor's voice is distinct and very different from the usual voices we hear. its relaxed and mellow. i can just imagine myself reading a romance novel while listening to this tune. its so great that you'll find yourself singing along with it. so i hope that you'd enjoy it as much as i did! ENJOY!


Sunday, July 1, 2012

In the Light of the Sun

GOOD MORNING! so how's everyone going? i'm currently eating breakfast which consists of really really fluffy scrambled eggs with a dash of BBQ sauce (yeah, i'm weird but it tastes awesome!) so for today i'd be going out and i'm not sure what time i'll be back, so just in case i'd be posting one of the songs now and if i still have time later i'd post the other one as well. so i hope you had a great night and yeah enjoy this song!


you're probably wondering why this song? well for today's tunes i opted for the casual laid back and relaxed melodies. the weather in Manila has been on full mood swings, one time its sunny and another its raining like crazy so this song makes me just want to be indifferent. it really is just a free reign song. i'd listen to this and i automatically want to head for bed and just snuggle. its one of those songs that makes you feel sleepy and relax. its soothing and the aura its giving you is just so so nice.

i'd recommend this song for those who often find themselves stressed about work, school and such. if you just take the time to really listen and feel the song, it would definitely bring a great change in your mood. so at that i'll leave you all to enjoy this song!


A Child in Awe of YOU.

so this is the second song for Sunday, its called TILL I SEE YOU by HILLSONG UNITED. its avery heartfelt song and its one of my favorite. it always gives me goosebumps whenever i hear this song, so i hope that you'll enjoy and think about you relationship with Jesus and i wish that you'd feel the same sensations i am feeling right now. so i leave you all with this song! HAPPY WEEK EVERYONE AND GOD BLESS!

Just because its HIS day :))

so true to my promise, this is the first of the 2 for Sunday! and i hope that you'd understand why i chose this songs since it is HIS day, so why not right? we only have to go to church every Sunday and i felt like i was right for me to do this so don't expect something else. these songs are purely GOSPEL/CHRISTIAN so right, oh and i almost forgot, I AM A BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN. it is not a religion or a domination, it is a lifestyle that i chose to have and to live by.

this song is called COUNTING ON GOD by The Desperation Band.

i just really love the song and it's message. its that simple. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!


hi there awesome people! well its official! i only got 8 more day to go before i finally go back to school!!! well college is the more appropriate term, well anyways, i can'y f'ing describe what i'm feeling right this moment. its a mixture of excitement, anxiety, worry, fear and concern all wrapped up in a bundle. i guess that its normal for me and for you to feel this way. change can be a very big word when it comes to reality, often people don't adapt to their new surroundings and find themselves hard to cope up with their works. luckily for us, we don't get to experience that.

so its the fist day of july and i'm pretty hyped up about the coming events and as early as today i must say my deepest and sincerest apologies to my avid readers. why? because i'm pretty sure that the next couple of month would be as hectic as it will ever be. i'll be swamped with homeworks, quizzes, exams and so fort that i wouldn't be able to update or post articles in a weekly or daily basis. yes, i know i've promise to post every week but seeing as my schedule for my first semester is monday to saturday, i think you'd be hearing less of me (for some its a total celebration!) so for this week, i'll try to post as many as i can everyday to make up for the coming weeks that i would be so damn tired and busy to do. so, i'll give you a run down of the positives that i would be doing this week;

FIRST, i'd be posting 2 songs everyday! i mean that's 10 in a week's time. although it would be in hell cause' i need to constantly have new material, but since i love you all that won't be a problem. if you could just see the vastness of my music library you'd think that i'm such a geek, i've got Micheal Jackson to 30 seconds to mars to The Corrs and even the Local OPM band Hale. so you don't have to worry in that department.

SECOND, apart from the 2 songs i'd be posting there will be some little articles from here and there (just like this one!) so you'd be reading about off topics and non sense from again. but anyhoo... at least it would keep you entertained right?

THIRD AND LAST, maybe. just maybe i'd be recomending some blogs for you to check out as well while i'm gone for the while. but i haven't had the courage to do that so i might chicken out, cause' you know, i'm not that good at writing and all so maybe i'd just not do it at all. well, i'm not just going to recommend blogs, but i'll also try to make reviews of books, movies and so on. so just stay tuned, you might not know what i've been thinking.

so that's that and i'll leave you all to your ponderings! and i'll see you all tomorrow!
